Hello my sweets. Thank you for stopping by today and checking out my interview with fitness & romance cover model John Quinlan Interview. Be sure to leave a comment to enter to win one of two e-book copies of The Demon Side! Okay enough of me. Let's get to the MEAT!
Thank Mr. Quinlan for taking time out of your busy schedule and sitting
down with me. Would you like anything to drink?
Water is ok as it is the only thing I can drink right now as I am
training for a few shows with the first being the NPC Jay Cutler Classic in
Boston, Massachusetts on May 6th.
*Hands John a glass of roofied water* So, first things first. I have to
ask ‘cause I’m sure we’re all dying to know. Boxers or briefs?
Depends on how I feel. In the winter I tend to take a little more time
off especially with the holidays so I tend to wear boxers more then but during
the Spring and into Summer when my diet tightens up and I am getting ready for
model shoots and shows briefs are the way to go :)
*drools as she thinks about John’s underwear on her bed post*
Oh, d’uh, He-he-he. Okay next question for ya. You mind telling our
fabulous audience a little about yourself while I go clean myself up?
Sure, I will make it brief as talking about myself isn’t one of the
things I like to do. I have been active in athletics in fitness for many years
which got me into competitive bodybuilding in my early 20’s and then into the
world of professional wrestling in my later 20’s. During these times all the
way up through now I have done modeling in a wide range of areas….fitness,
fashion, art, editorial, children’s literature and now Romance Novel covers. I
am a competitive athlete doing so in the National Physique Committee right now
with 4-5 contests coming up in the Men’s Physique Division.

Training and working out from a young age was something I enjoyed doing
and these things just came along with that as I progressed and matured
physically. As I got older I learned how to “fine tune” my diet and training
regimen to what worked for me and a few good people from various companies
around the globe took notice.
Any plans to add to
your tattoo collections?
Funny as I just added
my last and final one. This answer will be the longest of the interview because
this tattoo has an interesting story behind it. I have always wanted to get one
last tattoo for quite some time. Being Irish, I am proud of my heritage and
wanted something to show this. Something simple and sharp. For the longest time
I have wanted to get a shamrock tattoo but every one that I saw really didn’t
do anything for me and they all looked kind of plain. Then, last week, while
looking I finally found the one I wanted. It was perfect, a shamrock with a
tribal look to it. Well, when I read up a bit on this specific shamrock symbol
I hit a bit of a snag. I had no idea that it was an official logo. Not only
that, but I found out it was the official logo of former Mixed Martial Arts
fighter Frank Shamrock. Shamrock is the adopted brother of former UFC champion
Ken Shamrock and the logo also represents his school, Shamrock Martial Arts
I have always had 100% respect for every MMA athlete in the world and
Frank Shamrock is right at the top of the list. When he finally walked away
from professional fighting he retired as the four-time defending undefeated UFC
Middleweight Champion in which he was the #1 ranked pound for pound fighter in
the world. With that being said, I knew what the right thing to do was. Contact
Frank Shamrock for his approval. Frank got right back to me and said he would
be honored and to send him a photo of the tattoo. Awesome guy! I would like to
personally thank Frank Shamrock for being so nice to John Quinlan. Frank, just
as you said you would be honored for me to get this tattoo, I am honored to
call you my friend. God Bless You always! With that being said, this tribal
shamrock tattoo that I got on April 20th of 2012 makes the 14th and final tattoo
for me. This tribal shamrock was done by tattoo artist Brad Coleman of Drastic
Tattoo & Body Piercing in Peabody, Massachusetts. All of my tattoos have an
oriental and Irish tribal theme that I am very happy with. In the end, my
tattoos are part of me as each one has meaning and tells a special story.
What made you decide
to go into fitness and modeling?

I’ve had the pleasure
of stalking your Facebook page and noticed you’re a writer as well. Can you
tell us a little more about your writing?
First off, thank you
for saying that but the real mega talented writer here is you. I think you are
amazing and am honored to be here with you for this interview. With that being
said, I do write a bit for fitness articles and things of that sort once in a
while when people ask my training routine or diet tips. Here is an example of
an article written by Jillian Bullock where I was used as the image model and I
gave my exercise and diet routine, check it out:
I enjoyed that
article as I have so much respect for MMA and all the athletes in that amazing
Any fitness tips you
can offer us chocolate junkies?
Everything in
*puts second bag of
Hershey kisses away*When shooting a cover, do you ever feel awkward or is
modeling natural to you?

How do you prepare for
a shoot?
It depends on what
the shoot is for. If I am just modeling fitness gear that doesn’t require my
shirt off then my preparation is much different than a shoot for clothing or
Romance Novel covers that ask for 6-pack abs.
How much time do you
spend keeping your incredibly rippled physique?
Believe it or not I
am not ripped all the time. My weight never really deviates more than 10 pounds
anytime during the year from my contest shape so it is easier to rip up if I
have to on short notice. But really, when I have shows coming up my diet is on
point with the goal of doing well strong in my head but in the “off-season”
which is usually holiday time I like to enjoy that time with my children and
enjoy some of the good food that comes along with being a good dad :)
You’re an awesome
romance cover model. Tell me are you a romantic, put on some Barry White, wine,
and dine kind of guy or a burger, Metallica and a beer kind of guy?

How do you two handle
the swoon of women in your wake?
I am honored for your
kind words but I see myself as a regular guy who just happens to model a few
things here and there along the way.
You could have pretty
much any woman you set your eyes on. I’m curious what qualities do you look
I am married but here
are the qualities I would look for, first off she has to be confident in
herself. If she carries herself well and has a great attitude that means she
will be fun to be with and we can build on that. I don’t like women that are
super skinny, all bones I am not a fan of. I do appreciate a woman with curves
and body art in the right places are a plus. Tan lines drive me insane and
before I get arrested for the things I am about to say next I will stop there
but you get the basic idea.
*note to self, eat
more fried chicken* Wait. There’s a Mrs. Quinlan?
Yes, my wife Jennifer
is wonderful. She has always supported me in all my projects and continues to
do so to this very day. Most importantly she is a great mother to my children.
What are some of your
pet peeves?
People who do nothing
but talk about themselves! So annoying!
What are some of your
turn-ons and turn-offs?
Very simple, turn-ons
are people with great attitudes who are happy and secure with themselves. When
one is happy with him or herself it shows on the outside. Turn-offs as I stated
earlier are those people who just have the “look at me” attitude. Always needing
to be the center of attention….here is some advice, get over yourself! Not
everybody wants to listen to a person who only talks about me me me!
What a day in the life
of a fitness extraordinaire, cover model god like?
Thank you for saying
those things, you are such a nice person! I just try to be consistent and do
the best I can every day and see where this journey takes me.
What do you consider
the perfect day?
Hmmm, the perfect day
is years from now sitting a white sandy beach with an ice cold Corona with a
lime in the top skipping stones into the aqua blue ocean water in the sun. And
as I am doing it I am looking back on my life without any regrets because I gave
it hell and worked as hard as I could to make my dreams a reality.
What has been the most
embarrassing moment to date?
I had to meet a
female model I was shooting with and I had to pee like a race horse and there
was no bathroom as I was sitting in a parking lot waiting for her. So I got out
of the car when nobody was around and began to go and when I was finally almost
done I looked down to find out I wet the entire front of my pants. Yeah, I met
her like that……..awkward!

There is only one guy
that I know who padded his junk and that was Val Venus of the WWF in the late
90’s I believe, lol! No, never padded anything, what you see is what you get
but this I can tell you…..I defy all those Irish myth’s, ha ha ha!
Val is one of my favorites! Say it isn’t so! *rips poster
off the wall* Okay. On a different topic.
How do you juggle work and life
outside of the spotlight?
I never let things
stress me out and I take things one day at a time. I always look at every tough
situation that stands in front of me like this….there are people in the world
who have it a lot worse than I do! I look at the big picture with things and
usually they no longer seem that bad!
Pepsi or Coke?
*Fights the urge to
slap John and pour the yummy deliciousness of Pepsi down his throat* Do you
ever feel like you’re nothing more than a piece of meat?
Many times, it is a
business and I treat it as such. I go there, do my job and come home.
If I opened up your
fridge what would I find?
I am training for
contests right now so not much, ha ha ha! Gallons of water, spinach, chicken,
oranges and eggs. Ask me this question again during the holidays and I will give
you a much better answer, lol!
What type of books do
you enjoy reading?
All types, mystery is
probably my favorite.

The morning of a
shoot leading up to it I eat lots of sweets, the sugar fills me up and gets me
feeling good, lol!
If a woodchuck would
chuck wood, how much wood would a woodchuck chuck?
I am an animal lover
but I honestly don’t like woodchucks, nasty rodents, lol!
*Quickly motions her
assistant to send the woodchuck back to pet store* What do you enjoy doing with
your spare time?
Being a great dad to
3 of the world’s best children when I am not tied up with my projects.
Do you have any
My lifestyle is my
hobby, it takes 100% of me!
I make it no secret I
have a huge industry crush on you. If it weren’t for the fact I love my husband
and you’re married I’d… well let’s just say the jail sentence would be worth it
and the barn yard would never be the same. Who are some of your industry

*One more note to
self: Keep a defibrillator next to the kitchen table* What’s your favorite song
or anthem that pumps you up?
Any good hard metal
that is loud gets my adrenaline going!
Quickly, vampires or
Vampires of course, I
just modeled as one, ha ha ha!!!!!!
*smacks forehead as
she ponders how to bring him to the darkside*
So, if an author
wanted to get you under her covers, oops I mean on one of her covers, how would
they go about that?
Lol, that was funny!
Here is the direct link for my Romace Novel Cover Stock Gallery:
You can also go to my
Official Website at www.johnquinlan.org and click on the box in the upper left
hand corner titled, Romance Novel Book Cover Stock Images. If any author sees a
sample image of a stock cover they like they can email me by clicking on the
“Contact” box in the upper right hand corner on the main page of my web
God Bless
No. Thank you John for taking the time out to sit down with
us. Let your wife know you’re a lucky man. :P One last question. Where can our readers stalk you?
Official Blog: http://irishjohnquinlan.blogspot.com/
Official Website: www.johnquinlan.org
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/JohnJQuinlan
Web Gallery &
Site: http://www.johnjosephquinlan.com/
Model Mayhem: http://www.johnjosephquinlan.com/
Model Jock Interview: